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◆The State Council deploys and imports policy measures
Location:JIAXU > The State Council deploys and imports policy measures

The State Council Standing Committee held on the 29th deployed policy measures to strengthen imports. Experts believe that through policy guidance and service promotion, strengthening the import of technology, products and services will not only help achieve a balanced and coordinated development of foreign trade, but also help make up for our country’s shortcomings in advanced technologies, raw materials, etc., while meeting domestic production and living needs. It is conducive to promoting economic optimization and upgrading.

      Since the second half of this year, China's export growth rate has steadily increased due to factors such as the recovery of the international market and the continued strength of measures to stabilize foreign trade in the country. However, imports have remained at a low level. In July and February, there was even a year-on-year negative growth. The monthly surplus of China’s foreign trade has also continued to expand due to the decline in imports, and it has repeatedly hit historical highs. In August, the monthly surplus amounted to nearly US$50 billion, an increase of 77.8% over the same period of last year.
       Shen Danyang, spokesman of the Ministry of Commerce, believes that the recent weakness in imports is mainly due to the low prices of international bulk commodities such as iron ore and copper. Domestic adjustment of economic structure, elimination of backward production capacity, weakened import demand for energy resources, slowdown of processing trade, and exports The influence of factors such as lowering the pull of imports.
       The meeting decided to encourage the expansion of imports of advanced technology equipment and key components. We will expand the import of high-end production services such as R&D and design, energy conservation and environmental protection, and environmental services. Stabilize domestically-imported resources and reasonably increase imports of beef, mutton, aquatic products, and other general consumer goods that are closely related to people's lives. At the same time promote the convenience of import management. Implementation of 24-hour and holiday booking clearance, speed up the automatic import license management of paperless customs clearance pilot. The meeting also made it clear that an import trade platform should be set up. Under the principle of fair competition, new models such as cross-border e-commerce should be used to increase imports. At present, the Ministry of Commerce has, together with related departments, cancelled automatic import licenses for 81 categories of products such as optical disc production equipment and automotive products. It is also actively conducting international trade "single window" pilots with customs and other departments to promote the clearance of automatic import licenses. Paper, and accelerate the cultivation of national import trade to promote innovation demonstration area.
      Experts pointed out that at present, China’s economy is gradually ridding itself of its dependence on investment and external demand. In addition to independent innovation, the path of innovation is also crucial to the introduction of advanced international technologies. The objects that are encouraged to be imported this time are targeted, including advanced technology equipment, key components, and high-end production services, which are exactly in line with current domestic industrial transformation and upgrading requirements.